complaints - advice to grumpy daddy

Zion can speak of nothing else
he wants to be Fritz - but is probably too young
emotional fall out to come...
we will see
at first I was dreading it all a bit
hours upon hours of driving, waiting, dinner in the car
rehearsals going late
schlepping our younger one along
but then today I received an advice question
from a very grumpy daddy in Log Angeles
He writes: Dear Evolved Moms, it seems that school has only just begun and my husband I are have become chauffeurs again. Drive to soccer, pick up from school, playdates - it never ends. I want my life back! How can we streamline this parenting thing? Grumpy Dad
Suddenly life became clear again for me.
our job
as parents
is to balance
is to support
is to be a catalyst
for their lives and hopes and dreams
Now, if your kid is just in too many activities
or their schedule is making homework and sleep complicated
that's another story...
But each kid had different needs
For Zion - 4 hours a week of ballet (soon to be 5)
is is zen space
his peaceful place
this balances him
and I should be - and am thankful that he found something he loves this much.
letting him push himself
and supporting where he wants to go
isn't that our job?
who am I to stand i the way of his progress
I am not pushing him to go
and I also should never
make his dreams hard to reach
beacuse I "don't feel like it"
this is his dream
we all have them too
signing up to parent
is a bit like signing up to be a chauffeur
party planner
organizational therapist
but that is also the best art
grumpy dad - you must chill
you must learn to help them grow and still have a life
if driving them to school is one of your stressors you have a lot to rethink about your scheduling..
Cheers to the future soccer players
ballet dancers
presidents (we could sue a new one eh?)
Here to the future
I hope we all do our best helping them get there.
Evolved Mom Stacey
Labels: gay families, nutcracker ballet audition, parenting stress