Bubbled wrapped kids - advice

Whoa the sick of pull ups mom:
I think it's time to breath a bit
First of all your baby boy
and I did say baby
is only 5
many many many kids -
especially boys
are not dry by 5, 6, 7 even 9
and is he even old enough for sleep overs?
But I don't think that is the issue here
You cannot protect your child from everything
in fact
if you try
how will they ever relate in the world
with stress
and peers
and choices?
We want to keep them loved and safe - but not emotional invalids
or total stress cases
What I also hear
and I am sorry to be so blunt
is YOUR embarrassment with this issue
you want him dry
your mom thinks it's time
and you have put the pressure on
So I would like to give you a bit of perspective
being dry or wet a 5
is not a crisis to loose sleep over
and actually being dry 10% of the time should be celebrated in a kid struggling with is!
just to name a few reality checks to stress over for you
lets go smaller
a ten year old who cannot read
gay families in Florida
who cannot adopt
president bush
my wife getting diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis
Heath Ledger
all things to stress about
and then
after we stress and fret
we find
that life and love are and parenting and relationships
come in many beautiful forms
and can include so many things
even if some are lacking
we all go rounds with our kids
but praising the blessings
has far more power then
a constant negative banter
wouldn't you tune it out?
at this point in his life
I would put on the pull up and not check in about for another year at least!
no one goes to college in diapers
but many go with OCD and anxiety disorders...
he will be fine
you will be fine
Evolved Mom Stacey
Labels: bedwetting child, overprotective parent, stressed out child
Love this site -- love your tender words about your children and your wife. Just noticed your mention that she was diagnosed with MS - so sorry to hear this, but wanted you to know that life can be very "normal" with MS... just a different kind of "normal." I know; I've had it for 10 years. I've raised two children, a loving relationship with my girlfriend, and work as a freelance writer. I am also the editor of Jane and Jane Magazine, a magazine for the sophisticated lesbian lifestyle (www.janeandjane.net). Life only gets better - not always easier - but always better, richer, both in spite of and because of the MS. If you or your wife would like to talk, please feel free to contact me at laritaheet@gmail.com.
In the meantime, keep up the great work, the terrific, funny blog, and the amazing Mommying. :-)
LaRita Heet,
Editor, Jane and Jane Magazine
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