Teen Angst - Advice to gay parents "who know nothing!"

Dear Moms from Minnesota. Your baby girl is growing up. No matter how hard it is to accept, she is trying to separate from you, they all do and they all need to. I think you may be missing the point a bit. She does not sound to me like she is suddenly no longer supportive of your being gay, she just sounds like a teenager.
Sounds like she needs a few things from you:
1) Space
Although it sucks, we all must give the kids room to grow
even when we don't want to
they need to now they can fly
2) New conversation
It sounds like you need a new seat
she is not against you
or against being gay
she is finding herself
and maybe she does see you as different
Try to remember how you were when you were coming out
I was blue hair
Donahue talk show
serial dating
president of the GLBT club
in your face crazy
That's a teenager
pushing boundaries
to see where she fits
to try to find some meaning in all of her changes
Might be time to tell her what coming out felt like
I am assuming your parents were straight
and you couldn't relate
talk to her
she may need to hear you get it
3) hardest one
Maybe she needs someone else to talk to
an adult that she feels she can relate to right now
don't take it as threatening
or a diss
she loves you, your the moms and always will be
but the more trustworthy adult friends a kid has
in this big complicated world
the better
sounds like you raised an amazing kid
who is not shy about speaking her mind
and talking about her feelings
Very important skills I'd say!!
Let her be vocal
and give her love
you found your own path
help her find her own
she will find one
back to you
I assure you
But during the process
I also recommend for you guys
a kick boxing class, yoga and homeopathic stress remedies
No one said the teenage years
would be stress free
Good luck!
Evolved Mom Stacey
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