Where the hell have you been?

where have we been?
well here is our marathon summer:end of school
northampton priderecitals
boston pride
atlanta pride - decided we might just be too old to go to so many prides!
R Family Cruise to Canada - wow
High School Musical Camp - zion was troy!
Basketball camp
mini sports camp
2 weeks of ballet camp
built a store for one week in P-town for family week (okay that was a lot!)
landlord offered us the space to try for a few other weekends
excited beat scared
drove back and forth from home to p-town 10,000 times (but loved every minute of it)
even the lack of sleep
got dog fixed
2 kids in hip hop camp
decided to commit to store in p-town for All of next summer (wow) come visit!
(205 commercial street in the aquarium mall!)
made pregnancy belly cake for best friends baby blessing party
kissed wife
got rid of wife's crappy car and upgraded
drove to p-town one more time
saw friends
back to school shopping for the boy who grew out of everything
bought a first day of kindergarten dress - not for me
heard my daughter say fuck 3 times in a row - apparently kids do copy what they hear - oops!
forgot school forms
made MD appointments to do the forms
bought ballet shoes for two kids - men's sizes now!
planned next tattoo
watched Torin begin to learn to read!
didn't sleep enough
enjoyed some sun
have relief that wife is feeling great
bought some kinda girly shoes for a wedding
and laughed a lot
and now we are back.
happy almost fall
Labels: lesbian vacation, summer vacation, work and family
I'm glad you are back. I sure did miss hearing about what is going on in your world!!
Have a great day,
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