Advice - in the closet with children

Sheri wrote to me this week from Kansas.
"My girl and I have been together for 7 years. We are raising the child I was pregnant with when we met. No one knows we are more than roommates. My daughter, our daughter, is asking questions. Lots of them. I don't want to tell her. Scared. Help."
Sheri, your daughter knows
your friends know
your neighbors know
your family knows
Free yourself
free your burden
teach your daughter to love herself
and be proud of herself
through your honesty and bravery
How will she learn true pride
when her moms
who adore her
are hiding?
I promise you this
you are not alone
we are here for you
and thousands of others
just like you
probably many right in your town
you will not be alone in this
it just takes one first step
be brave
hold your partner's hand
and speak the truth
we are here
I and my "roommate" of four years are in a similar situation. But how can we be brave enough to come out when we could possibly loose the rights to our five children (her 2, my 3 from previous marriages) if we do? Yes, the family has to know by now, and most of our friends have figured it out. But it is just accepted as how we present it, as roommates. Joking comments are made. But we can't come out, out of fear. Is it worth staying in the closet if it erases the fear of losing our children? I would love to be able to love on my wife in public, to be able to share our story with those we love, but we have to wait. Wait until the kids are grown, or wait until the laws change in our state. Whichever happens first....
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